by HH Oscar Admin
Jasmyne Bennett

48 Hours ago Faces With Talent made a post about being escorted at Essence in New Orleans. Celeb upcoming model Jasmyne Bennett had a new face with her which we investigated to find out that her name is Keeanna Bey. She is one of the most recent models to sign with Faces With Talent. After being posted Sony immediately reached out to our company to do a full exclusive interview. Is this a duo threat as sisters or friends?

Now everyone knows that Jasmyne Bennett just recently was offered a contract deal with the company. Sony wants to give the same deal offer for both girls. When speaking to the representative her words were “ Faces With Talent has been producing a lot of talent but not like these girls. These girls have the look that we are looking for.”

We will update everyone on Keeana Bey decision to join or decline the offer.

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